10 Bosco Street
Chadstone 3148 VIC AU
We celebrate our 2021 Student Leaders who achieved study scores over 40 while upholding their responsibilities as role-models in our school.
College Captain Steven Tran: 46 in English, 42 in Maths Methods
Savio Captain Ben Abraham: 49 in English, 43 in Economics, 43 in Software Development
Music Captain Robert Costa McCance: 43 in English
Drama Captain Pranay Giri: 42 in English
The Salesian College Chadstone community commends our Year 11 students who achieved study scores of 40 or above.
Jayden Fernandes: 47 in Further Mathematics
John Vayenas: 46 in Business Management
Jake Johnston: 44 in Business Management
Dhruv Israni: 43 in Further Mathematics
Kevin Kang: 43 in Business Management
Lachie Grewcock: 42 in Business Management
Emmanuel Louis: 42 in Business Management
Absent from Photo: Kevin Kang, Jayden Fernandes
“One thing I have always noted and appreciated as a special factor within Salesian is the profound sense of community that is fostered within the College’s halls."
- Ben Abraham, Savio Captain