10 Bosco Street
Chadstone 3148 VIC AU
The Dream That Makes You Dream – Year 7 & 8 Precinct
We know from our observations, insights, data, and research that the education needs of our young people have changed during and after the pandemic. It is well-reported that students’ reading, writing, and numeracy skills have declined, with gaps in expected learning. Mental health issues are skyrocketing, family challenges are more prevalent, resulting in attendance and behavior concerns, and the sense of identity and connection for the young is waning. We are listening authentically to the needs of our students, and together with McIldowie Partners, we are developing a visionary Year 7 & 8 Precinct for the College’s future.
Salesian College Chadstone Masterplan – Year 7 & 8 Mannix Precinct
The building works will commence with the redevelopment of our Mannix Campus, specifically tailored to meet the needs of our Years 7 and 8 students. This precinct is designed to be a safe and welcoming environment, catering to the unique needs of 12 to 14-year-olds. Working in collaboration with McIldowie Partner architects, the College has developed an exciting Master Plan for this stage, which includes the creation of the Year 7 and 8 Precinct. This precinct aims to provide targeted curriculum, assessment, and pedagogy that will engage students and equip them with the necessary skills for life. The redevelopment aligns with our commitment to delivering a holistic education that nurtures students’ academic, social, and emotional growth.