We celebrated the Book Week in Week 7. The theme this year was “Read, Grow, Inspire”.
The Rua Resource Centre organised many activities throughout the week to celebrate books, reading and literacy. These included Quizzes on CBCA shortlisted books, Displays, Lego Activity, Music, Cooking Competition, design a Cover Art Competition, Colouring In and Word Search activity, Blackout Poetry, A visit from a New York Times bestseller Deltora Quest Series illustrator Marc McBride and Dressing Up.
Kaleb Master from Year 7 enjoyed creating the theme words on the Lego wall.
We created a display in The Rua Resource Centre on the theme –
Food Technology students cooked or baked recipes at home that inspired them. Prize Winners and their Recipes are –
Calum Shoji-Colaric – 1st Prize Winner
Anthony Di Pietrantonio – 2nd Prize Winner
Leo Cerreto-Dillon – 3rd Prize Winner
Vaibhav Conjovaram – Runner Up Prize
Art Students from Year 7 and Year 8 designed a book cover as a class activity with their teacher. They did an amazing job. Photos of prize winners and notable book covers –
On Friday 25 August, Year 7 students enjoyed a visit from Monash Libraries staff member, Marcus Chester. In an hour-long activity, Marcus shared a short history of books with students. He also talked about some interesting ancient books and their value today. E.g. Action Comics No 1. When printed, it was seen as disposable and costed about 10c to $2.00 at the time. Surviving copies are going for 3 million dollars today.
Marcus then engaged students in an activity called “Blackout Poetry”. Students were able to use old discarded books from Monash Libraries for this activity. Marcus shared with them how students could create a poem by blacking out the words in a page. Students were excited to create their own poems. They were able to share their poem with the class at the end of this session.
Hari Palaniappan from 7B sharing his poem with the class –
Dressing up as a book character was fun on the last day of the Book Week. Staff and students enjoyed being in various characters and having a conversation about their favourite book and author.
Highlight of the week was a visit from Marc McBride, an award-winning Illustrator of New York Times bestseller book series Deltora Quest which has sold over 20 million copies worldwide.
Marc talked to all students about creativity, imagination, ideas, light, inspiration while working on his illustrations of dragons in the sessions. Marc also donated signed copies of two of his new books to our library.