Our instrumental program this year is full steam ahead, the corridor in the music department is rich with sound!
Semester 1 Year 7 students from classes 7A, 7B and 7C, have really applied themselves well, and we do have many budding musicians in the making. Their program is designed to give each student the opportunity to experience music through learning techniques, the foundation of reading music and the joy of working collaboratively in ensembles. The culmination of this Year 7 instrumental program is a Concert, held on Wednesday 31st May from 4:00pm – 5:15pm, here at Salesian College in the main Hall.
The concert is part of their assessment, and showcases their specific groups;
- Class Music lessons / vocal unity
- String Ensemble
- Woodwind Ensemble
- Brass Ensemble
- Piano duets
- Mega Rock Band
For our other students on the program, they too are developing their techniques in practical application / theory & aural skills, all of which combine to give them all the tools for progressing onto the higher standards of music, and hopefully choosing music for VCE.
Very soon we will be entering into the external instrumental exam period, Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB). A large number of our instrumental students have been working towards these practical examinations, which in turn give them an indication of their standard.
We have a number of musical events coming up over the next few Terms;
- Autumn Concert (Open to parents) – Wednesday 31st May from 7:00pm – 9:15pm. All of our College ensembles will be performing. Tickets available online
- Oakleigh Coptic Festival – Sunday 4th June – Senior Rock Band
- Solo Music Competition – A chance to win prizes next Term, and earn the title of Junior Music Champion (years7/8), Intermediate Music Champion (years 9/10) and Senior Music Champion (years 11/12)
- Book Week – presenting literature through music
- Victorian State Music Festival (VSMF) – Concert Band Competition
- Cabaret (Open to staff / students / parents) – Show us your talent!
For more information or interest in our Instrumental Program, please contact mlittle@salesian.vic.edu.au
Matt Little
Director of Music