For a number of years, the Parents’ Association has had a fundraising levy of $30 that all families are expected to pay as a way of replacing a number of fundraising events and initiatives that ran in the past.
The College acknowledges with much gratitude the way in which the Parents’ Association continues to develop relationships with current and new families by assisting with the College’s celebrations. I encourage you to become actively involved and assist where you can to continue the great work that ultimately benefits our boys and their families.
How does this levy benefit our community?
The levy covers the costs for community activities and events including Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day Breakfasts, Year 7 Welcome Morning Tea, Becchi Day Morning Tea and Year 7 Orientation Evening. These events are available to all families in the community with most families reporting a true sense of connection and belonging that these events generate. It is vital that all families contribute to this levy to ensure the Parents Association is able to continue to run these events.
What else does the fundraising levy contribute to?
- Parents’ Association funds made it possible for former Western Bulldogs AFL star Tom Boyd to facilitate a discussion on mental health with our Year 10, 11 and 12 students. After the presentation, students wrote to the PA to express their gratitude for the experience. We are so proud of this initiative, that supports the development and wellbeing of our sons.
- The funds from the levy are used to support the Parent’s Association’s initiatives that benefit all the boys in the school. Your son is one of them!
- By paying the fundraising levy you are contributing to the purchase of our Year 12 ties. The ties are designed by the students themselves and presented to all Year 12 students.
- While the beginning of your son’s journey at Salesian is a special time for your family, we understand that the transition from primary to secondary school can be stressful. With this in mind, the Parents’ Association gifts ‘tap balls’ to each of our new Year 7’s in their respective house colours. ‘Tap balls’ can be used by students to initiate a game of ‘four-square’ with other students whom they may not know – the perfect ‘ice breaker’ at recess and lunch.
- We know that for many Dads, the Father’s Day Breakfast may be the only opportunity they get to attend a school event with their boy. Providing a delicious breakfast is the perfect way to help them celebrate.
- The Cabaret Night showcases the wonderful musical talent we have in the Salesian Community and a fantastic opportunity for parents and enjoy a night of entertainment. The PA provides the hospitality and catering so the cost of tickets can be kept very low.
- The Year 7 Orientation Evening provides the perfect opportunity for parents to meet other families with sons soon to begin Year 7, and gives students the chance to make new friends before his very first day at Salesian. The fundraising levy contributes to the purchase of food and drinks for our new Year 7 families, welcoming them into our wonderful community in true Salesian style.
- We provide ‘goodie bags’ to welcome our Year 7 students to the College community at our Year 7 Social and Information Evening.
- The PA volunteers give their time freely to provide an opportunity for every parent at the school to participate in the community through the social events we host.
- We love the fact that we can provide catering and hospitality at social events for the parent community at no cost. When everyone contributes, everyone benefits!