Swimming Carnival BBQ
On Tuesday 16 March we were lucky enough to be able to run the House Swimming Sports. It was a great day and an even better day for a BBQ. Students who ordered, enjoyed sausages in bread, chips and a drink. A special thank you to the staff and students who assisted on the day; in particular, Angela Liyanage and Tristan O’Brien who ran a highly proficient BBQ event! We also raised $310.12 for our Term One fundraising focus which is Caritas, Project Compassion ‘Be More’.

Staff Formation
Each year the staff at Salesian College enter into a variety of faith formation learning experiences. On Thursday 11 March we participated in a session about Salesian spirituality led by Father Chris Ford SBD. We explored the general notion of spiritualty and then honed in on Salesian Spiritualty, which explored spirituality as a way of living and putting into practise the idea of being a good Christian and Honest Citizen. Fr Chris Ford provided staff time to explore three key figures from Salesian History who through their ordinariness lived a life of holiness and were truly spiritual in the every day work they did with young people of the time. Staff learnt about Dominic Savio, Michael Magone and Francis Besucco.

After a feedback and discussion session we summarised that the secret to Don Bosco the educator was his intense spirituality, an inner energy which made the love of God and neighbour an inseparable unity for him.
Mrs Nadia Knight
Assistant Principal: Mission and Staff Formation