
Learning Conferences

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Learning Conferences will place take on Wednesday 24 July and Wednesday 31 July. The schedule for both days is as follows:

Session 1 2.00pm – 3.40pm
Break 3.40pm – 4.00pm
Session 2 4.00pm – 5.30pm
Break 5.30pm – 6.30pm
Session 3 6.30pm – 8.30pm


Student Led Conferences

Student-Led Conferences will take place with Oratory teachers and are compulsory for all students. Students will lead the conference as they discuss their reflection on Semester One and present the goals they have set for themselves for the remainder of the year. Student-Led Conferences will be open for bookings from Thursday 18 July.

Learning Conferences

Students and parents/guardians will also have the opportunity to meet with individual subject teachers if they wish or if the teacher has made a request. If a teacher has requested a conference, either Recommended or Strongly Recommended will appear next to the subject name. Learning Conferences will be open for bookings from the afternoon of Friday 19 July.

How to book your Learning Conferences

Please book your conferences by logging onto PAM via using your PAM username and password. Click on the Parent Teacher Interview button that will appear in the top right hand corner.

You will only be able to see the times that teachers still have available at the time you are using the system. As time slots are booked for teachers, they will no longer be displayed as available. Therefore, it is advisable to book your conferences as soon as possible.

When you have made all your bookings, you can print a report of your conferences in time order. You can also login and change your bookings any time until 12pm on the day of the interview.

Conferences will take place in various locations around the College. When arriving, please come to the Hall to be directed to the location of your specific conferences.

If you encounter any problems with our booking system, please notify the College via email or phone 9807 2644.

Additional information

  • All students must attend their learning conferences in full school uniform
  • Students will be dismissed at 1.07pm on both these days
  • The Rua Resource Centre will be open until 4.30pm for students who wish to study while they wait for their parents/guardians
  • Charter Buses will depart at 1.20pm on both these days

We look forward to seeing you.

Ms Irene Apostolopoulos
Director of School Improvement – Curriculum