Our ACC Salesian College coaches were recently recognised for their outstanding coaching at the ACC Staff Service and Coach of the Year Awards Evening. We extend our congratulations to 2023 College staff members Paul Azar and Steven Loonstra and 2022 College staff member Mark Wang for their leadership, dedication and achievements within their respective sports.
Congratulations to Paul Azar has been awarded the ACC Junior Coach of the Year for 2022. Paul has coached numerous ACC teams across weekly sport and also played a key role with the Salesian Athletics team.
Some of Paul’s achievements include:
Year 8 DIV 1 Soccer – Paul coached the team to a semi-final place
Year 8 DIV 2 Soccer Premiership – (Paul stepped up to coach on grand final day as the regular coach was absent)
Year 8 Hockey Premiership
Athletics (discus and shot put):U/13 1st place in both events
Year 9 Volleyball – Paul coached the B team to a semi-final.
Congratulations also goes to Steven Loonstra who was awarded the ACC Service Awards for 2023. Steve Loonstra has taught at Salesian College over the past 13 years, contributing to and coaching a significant number of ACC team. Steve has coached teams across various year levels in Cricket, Football, Soccer, Hockey, Tennis and Volleyball. He has coached a Year 9 division two football premiership and a Year 9 division one soccer premiership.
Steve has played a pivotal role in the management of the sporting program at Salesian College, having excelled in the role as Director of Sport since 2016. He represents Salesian College well, provides strong leadership and works exceptionally well with the staff from other member colleges in the ACC.
We also congratulate Salesian College 2022 staff member Mark Wang who was awarded the ACC Service Award for 2023. Mark Wang began teaching at Salesian College in 2013, and he has coached a number of ACC teams over the years including badminton, table tennis, football, basketball, tennis and volleyball. His main sport of interest during that time was badminton. He coached the Salesian College junior, intermediate and open badminton teams through to the end of 2022.
Mark trained the badminton team 3 times a week during Term 1 and 2 in preparation for the ACC tournaments. He also led badminton teams to the Victorian All Schools Finals each year. He dedicated countless hours of behind the scenes work including training, organising and coaching at Salesian College.