“The Project-Based Learning Information Night was a great experience for me. It was an opportunity for me to share what and how I am learning with my parents. The presentation was a superb end to the project and a chance to show our classroom learning to an authentic live audience, putting into practice PBL. The night was a big success and we received lots of positive feedback from the parents and teachers, and all our stress about the event dissipated. The parents seemed really interested in PBL and what we would be doing in class this year. The catering was a hit with all the parents and teachers, and a few select students. The night went by smoothly, thanks to all the teachers that organised the event.”
– Peter Liptai
“Thursday 21 February was a successful night for the Year 8 Biretta Boys. The boys had to make a Power Point presentation and present it to their parents. Each group made their own presentation, so there were multiple presentations going on in different rooms. All the presentations turned out well and all the parents left with greater understanding of Project Based Learning. After the presentations the parents were invited back into the main room for catering and drinks. There was a mix of sushi, sandwiches and small wraps. Parents could also help themselves to some coffee. The parents seemed to really enjoy themselves on the night, because they got to socialize and catch up with other parents. Overall the students did a really good job at both presenting and creating their presentations. The teachers and parents were proud of each student, and it was a great night that everyone will remember.”
– Alex Iliuk
“The culminating event that took place last night put me out of my comfort zone in a lot of ways. There were a lot of things that happened, and as MC for the night I had to direct and organise. Being a shy person, I do not like presenting in front of people.
Also, getting ready for the presentation was nerve-wracking, and although I had practiced on my own, group presentations don’t necessarily run as planned. Adding on to that, the Ignite format, which I thought was useful but scary for the inexperienced, made me a little nervous about the event for several days prior. Overall, my MC-ing wasn’t the greatest of successes, but I got the job done. The actual presentation wasn’t as bad as I thought, once we got into it. Admittedly, it wasn’t a presidential speech, but it got the job done and my notoriously ‘question-full’ Mum didn’t ask a single one. Other people, including Mrs Bielinski, asked questions that I believe we answered satisfactorily. The catering (which was mostly enjoyed by Joel), was quite successful, although the food didn’t stop SOMEONE (Mum) from chatting for what felt like 10 years. All in all, after the preparation we’d put in to the evening, I think that it was a successful event. My MC-ing was lacking, obviously, but you can’t be perfect.”
– David James