
Year 12 Formal

After weeks of planning, suit shopping and table talk, the Class of 2023 finally made it to their Year 12 Formal! As all the different groups rolled up in shiny limos and fancy suits, the night was just beginning, with all the boys gathering just outside the hall to chat with their friends and introduce their dates to the teachers. Finally, the curtain fell on the ballroom as everyone made their way to their table ready to begin the fun.

The night was filled with delicious food and incredible dance moves as the cohort celebrated their final year together. The dance floor was packed with boys and their dates, having fun, dancing cheering and belting out their favourite songs. The night was capped off with the formal award ceremony hosted by myself and Hugh Ross, where titles such as Best Dressed, Best Dancer, Best Bromance and many others were presented, leaving all the boys cheering on their friends.

The night would have not been possible without the hard work and dedication of our wonderful year level coordinator, Ms Rabot, assisted by the formal committee, who spent countless lunch times planning for this successful event. After 7 years of hearing about the exciting formal that all the other year 12s were having, it was finally our turn, and it was nothing short of perfect!

Gabriel K