The Salesian Student Leadership Conference took place at St. Mark’s College in Port Pirie from Saturday 26th – Tuesday 29th November 2022. Student leaders from Salesian College Chadstone, Salesian College Sunbury, St. Joseph’s College Ferntree Gully, Nagle College Bairnsdale, Dominic College Hobart, Dunlae Centre Engadine (NSW), St. John Bosco College Engadine (NSW), St. Mark’s College Port Pirie (SA) and Xavier College Gawler (SA) participated in the Conference.
Salesian College Chadstone was represented by College Captain, Marcellino Baselyous and College Vice Captains Peter Holland and Peter Liptai. The students took part in a range of activities including addressing the staff and students of St. Mark’s Primary School, mountain biking and hiking around the base of Mt. Remarkable, visiting the Port Pirie Municipal Council Chamber and being addressed by the Deputy Mayor and working collectively to navigate their way around the city of Adelaide.
They also completed some very productive sessions which entailed them looking closely at their personal and collective leadership styles.
This was a fabulous opportunity for Marcellino, Peter and Peter.