Principal’s Blog – 19 May 2022
Our Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026
We are a school that continually reflects on how we can continue to improve to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students, staff and community.
The work of the College is guided by our Strategic Plan.
Our vision is to be a dynamic, joy-filled Catholic learning community, that inspires all boys to strive for excellence in the spirit of Don Bosco. We endeavour to inspire and educate young men to become good Christians and honest citizens.
Salesian College Chadstone welcomes all boys and their families, celebrates diversity and promotes relationships built on mutual respect. In partnership with families, learning at Salesian College is inclusive and focusses on the gifts of each individual person.
A boy will learn best in a home that welcomes, a parish that evangelises, a school that educates for life, and a playground where friends meet and enjoy themselves. St John Bosco’s spirit of leading young people to know that they are loved is evident today at Chadstone.
In developing this plan in our 65th year of Salesian College Chadstone, we have the opportunity to celebrate our achievements, share our story and remember all who have generously contributed to our community. It is an opportunity to be grateful for the success and accomplishments of all in the community. Our Strategic Plan asks our community to contemplate the future. It is a plan that celebrates our past yet looks to inspire the current and future generations of Salesian boys and their families at Chadstone.
Development of the Strategic Plan
Our Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026 provides an insight into the College’s aspirations and new opportunities whilst ensuring a clear road map for the future. Consultation with the community, including students, parents, staff, past pupils, Board Directors and the Salesians of Don Bosco has enabled us to understand people’s hopes, ambitions and priorities.
In moving forward, the College draws inspiration from our Catholic faith, the gift of our Salesian charism and our established traditions that create a welcoming community, holistic learning and a strong sense of school pride. From our comprehensive process, it became very evident that our College vision, mission and values are treasured and enlivened by all in our faith community.
Our Strategic Intentions
Our Strategic Plan 2022-2026 outlines seven strategic intentions for our learning community:
- Our Purpose and Direction
- Our Catholic Identity and Salesian Charism
- Our Learning Focussed School
- Our People and Culture
- Our Learning Environments
- Engaging our Families
- Our Community Partnerships
I thank all who have contributed to the development of our Strategic Plan for their time, energy and ideas to create what I believe is an exciting and aspirational plan for our future.
We invite all current and prospective community members to view our Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026.
Mark Ashmore | Principal