
Spice Racks – Year 8 Design and Technology

“Currently in Design and Technology for Year 8, we have been designing a spice rack for our family. This project implements our use of woodworking and online design skills. We were given a challenge to make a spice rack using pieces of pre-cut pinewood. The conditions that were given by our teacher, were that we had to make a spice rack that is ergonomically safe for all users, is appropriately functional and is durable. All the students used stencils to mark the side panel pieces according to specific measurements. The challenge was cutting the slots correctly to our markings, because as applying too much pressure would cause the coping saw to break. One thing that was enjoyable for all of us was the woodworking element, it was fun and allowed us to enhance our hands on practical skills. Working with other students gave us a more enjoyable experience as we came back to school.

Dhruv Hunashikatti | Year 8 Design & Technology Student

“In Design technology we have been learning about the names of tools and how to safely cut wood using various types of saws. This led us into our first main task, a spice rack. We started the construction process by measuring the sides of our rack. We learnt how to measure, mark, cut and file the slots correctly. We learnt what possible materials can be used to manufacture the product and the different types of joints we could use for the spice rack. This helped us to further understand what we are making and the research behind it. I have really enjoyed making the spice rack and slowly seeing the project coming together. It has been great to learn how to use tools such as files, coping saws and chisels while making something useful and cool.”

Perry King Churchill | Year 8 Design & Technology Student