On Thursday 20 February, all of our teaching staff participated in a Professional Growth Session about how to be confident teachers of Religious Education. The session began with a discussion on the importance of having Catholic formation, exploring what it means to work in a Catholic school in the Salesian Tradition.
Some of the points raised were:
- We are Catholic School in the Salesian Tradition
- Teaching how to be Catholic and Salesian is the responsibility of everyone who accepts a position at this school
- Each and everyone one of us, therefore, is a teacher of religious education
Further to this, we refreshed our knowledge and skills about teaching The Sacraments. The Sacraments, in part, are covered over four different year levels, and are based on our understanding, as Catholics, of making seen what is unseen. Its teaching helps us gain a greater understanding of the grace of God’s love in our world.
Teachers engaged in a number of activities exploring ways of teaching The Sacraments to our students.
Some of which included:
- A jigsaw activity on The Eucharist
- A text analysis from Scripture
- A word sort which included images, definitions and meaning
These activities were modelled as suggestions to engage boys in learning about The Sacraments.
Each term, there will be two sessions that explore ways in which all teachers can be teachers of Religious Education.
Mrs Nadia Knight
Assistant Principal – Mission and Staff Formation