Hi Everyone,
I hope Term 4 is going well! Our annual Orientation Event for the 2020 Year 7 students will be held on Tuesday 26 November. And you may recall, the PA assists with the hospitality to welcome our next year’s families to the Salesian Community.
We’re gearing up for another big event and so we require as many helpers as we can get! We think the idea of current Year 7 parents assisting is a lovely legacy as you can appreciate the event and what it means to our new community.
Your help is required to assist with food preparation, service and general set up and clean up duties. We appreciate any time that you can spare to help out – an hour or two, or the whole event – we are most grateful for your assistance!
Preparations will commence from 2pm through to approximately 8pm. If you can assist, please email pa@salesian.vic.edu.au with the following details:
Mobile Number:
Available Time(s):
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks in advance!
Tracy Stone
Parents’ Association President