Protein for Performance
Hello! I have the pleasure to working with hundreds of growing adolescent athletes, including your sons. Unfortunately, many adolescents fail to spread their protein intake adequately throughout the day. I wanted to share how YOU can assist your child in getting even better results in their sport using the power of protein.
Did You Know?
Every time your child participates in strenuous training, their muscles break down for ~24 hours after the workout. There is a window of opportunity ~30-45 minutes immediately after exercise where the body can shift into repair mode (instead of breakdown mode) if we provide adequate protein building blocks. It is also recommended to spread protein intake throughout the day to optimize recovery. Aim for 10g-20g in each meal/snack (rather than all protein in one meal at night which is generally what happens) to allow a regular supply of building blocks to allow muscle repair, adequate growth and help to prevent injuries.
Foods Containing -10g Protein
o 150g Greek yoghurt
o 1 cup milk / 300ml soy milk
o 2 slices cheese
o ¾ cup lentils / kidney beans
o 35g cooked lean beef, lamb or pork
o 50g grilled fish/canned fish
o 2 slices soy & linseed bread
o 2 eggs
o 70g cottage cheese
o 3 cups wholegrain cereal
o 2 cups cooked pasta
o 200g baked beans
o 80g tofu
o 60g nuts / seeds
Tips to Maximise Muscle Recovery
➢ Eat a protein snack / meal as soon as possible after training, ideally within 30 minutes.
➢ Spread protein intake throughout the day. Aim for 10-20g protein with every meal or snack.
➢ Ensure a recovery snack after morning training.
For example:
o Rokeby Farm / Chobani / YoPro yoghurt (~14g Protein)
o Carman’s Gourmet 10g protein bar + piece fruit (~11g Protein)
o Mainland crackers + cheese pack + piece fruit (~12g Protein)
o 1 Tbsp Sustagen Sport + 250ml milk (~15g Protein)
o 5 Tasti Smooshed protein balls + 1 piece fruit (~11g Protein)
➢ Include a source of protein with lunch. For example:
o Egg & lettuce roll (~12g Protein)
o Chicken & salad sandwich (~18g Protein)
o 95g tin tuna + Vita Weat crackers (~17g Protein)
o Fried rice, egg, bacon, peas, carrot, corn, chopped peanuts /sesame seeds (~15g Protein)
➢ Consider a protein snack before bed for overnight muscle repair. For example:
o Chopped fruit + 3 Tbsp flavoured Greek yoghurt + sprinkle chopped nuts (~10g Protein)
o 250ml glass milk / milk Milo / hot chocolate (~10g Protein)
o Fruit smoothie – milk, yoghurt, banana, berries, chia seeds, cinnamon, honey (~15g Protein)
Good luck!
Ola Luczak
Sports Academy Dietitian
To learn more helpful advice from Ola, join us at our Sports Academy Presentation, ‘Fuelling Adolescents’ on 3 June 2019.
Ola has worked with elite and junior athletes across a range of sports and clubs, including the AFL U/19 TAC Club ‘Western Jets’, Tennis Victoria and the Accelerate Elite Performance Program (AFL). In 2019, Ola will be working with our Year 7 and 8 Sports Academy students each term.
Date: Monday 3 June
Time: 6pm to 7pm
Light snacks provided
Bookings can be made via