Student Congress took place last Friday at Mannix Campus. This formal event seated over 80 student leaders across Years 7 to 12 and showcased nine proposals after a catered lunch. The student proposals varied in topic from Sport to Administrative matters. The passion for our wonderful College, felt by our student leaders, was evident by some of the heated comments and questions following a few of the proposals. Well done to all the Student Leaders on their proposals and a big shout out to our MC’s, Bo Desilva and Dimitri Adamopoulos, as well as our speakers, Robert Amendola, Mark Linden, Kevin Jayadi, Adrian Nadonza, Jamie Phung, Rodney Baselyous, Josh Meedin, Jacob Mitchell, Mitchell Wain, Ed Feehan, Adam Stone, Cooper McNamara, Chris Nielson, Angus Downard and David James.
A big thank you also to Mrs Malwina Dwyer, who organised our Student Congress event.
“Student Congress is a great opportunity to hear our schools leaders formally speak to their fellow leaders about their own aspiring visions for future development of the school. After many weeks of preparation, last Friday students from Year 7 through to Year 12 presented many proposals that can be anticipated for further discussion in later weeks. Students proposed various ways that they believe will bring positive change to the College. Being involved with Student Congress is a fantastic opportunity for us leaders to be the student voice and communicate what we would like to see improved in our school. It is an excellent opportunity for us to enhance our confidence and strengthen our public speaking skills, to develop ourselves into better students.”
– Bo De Silva
Year 11 Moroney Vice Captain