
Thomas Maguire-Nguyen Awarded Norman A. Smith Scholarship

I often find that some of the most transformative experiences are those that don’t just affect you, but others. Being awarded the Norman A. Smith scholarship was something I found affected more than just me – it affected others around me too. From my mum erupting with joy when finding out I was a finalist to my mates insisting that I’d win, the experience of winning an award like this was so much more than an award and a check, it was a huge, bright, flashing neon sign that people believed in me and backed me. The scholarship has been awarded every year since 1986, and is awarded based on knowledge of Australia and Australian history, community involvement and service and exceptional leadership skills. Finding out that I not only was a Scholar from Salesian for only the second time in history, but that I also got the highest examination score in the history of the scholarship was a humbling experience. After experiences like this, you realize that the sweat and long nights and essay plans and Quizlets are really worth it. Special thanks to a few people; Mr Sambell, who nominated me for the award and attended the presentation night, my Dad, who helped me get my history knowledge up to scratch, and my beloved Year 10 family, who got behind me and encouraged me to do my best, always pushing me to be the best. The endless support I got from my personal family, my scholarly family in Salesian College, my faith family in my parish, and my social family in my friends was worth a thousand scholarships and more.

Thomas Maguire-Nguyen
Year 10 Student