
From the Principal

Principal’s Blog – 25 March 2022

Our Salesian students have been contributing to the College, the community and global society in recent weeks.

As educators we recognise that students who “find their own voice in supportive school environments are more likely to develop a confident voice, a capacity to act in the world, and a willingness to lead others.” (Amplify: Empowering students through voice, agency and leadership).

Learning Conferences

All students have recently participated in Learning Conferences with their parent/s/guardians, Oratory teacher and subject teachers. The conferences provide an opportunity for students to discuss individual goals, strategies and achievements. The partnership between the family and school with the student having a voice about his learning, enriches his school experience resulting in improve outcomes.

Student Congress

On Tuesday student leaders from all year levels presented proposals to the College Leadership Team at Student Congress. The proposed ideas were student identified improvements for the College. Each idea was thoroughly researched, eloquently presented and the proposals well detailed ensuring a comprehensive argument for change. Ideas for consideration included:

VCE Pathways to improve learning outcomes Second Hand Bookshop
Digital Canteen Orders to improve service Clean Up Salesian
Inclusive School Environments for Marginalised Students ACC Coaching facilitated by Senior students
Ski Trip Mannix Vending Machine to address food service
Music Collaborations with Sacred Heart, Avila and Mazenod for social justice  


Thank you to Daniel A, Mitchel W, Jake J and Ms Dow and Mr Chow for leading the Congress.

Social Justice Initiatives

Numerous social justice initiatives have been initiated and subsequently organised by our students. Our Social Justice Captain James B and Missions Ambassador Ronan E flagged an idea to support the 38 Salesians impacted by the Ukraine war by raising awareness (ribbons and sharing information about the Ukraine Salesian communities) and fundraising (barbeque and donations). Our VCAL boys have supported the above initiative by cooking and serving the barbeque ensuring that money was raised.

The VCAL student proposals to myself, Leadership and staff members to raise money and awareness for the World’s Greatest Shave (Senior class barbeque and milkshakes) and Caritas (Intermediate class Car Wash) has resulted in wonderful learning experiences through empowerment. Well done to our VCAL students, Mrs Zwalf and Mrs Roach.

Year 12 Shared Lunches

I am thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to spend lunch with small groups of Year 12s. It has been a wonderful to hear our Salesian men share their story, thus providing each person present an insight into their strengths or interests. Student voice is evident through the sharing of the achievements and challenges associated with Year 12. It is pleasing to report that the Year 12s are enjoying their final year with peers and that they feel supported.

Child Safety Committee

Students will be co-participants with staff in the newly established Child Safety Committee that is aimed to empower voice about risk and safety. It is through dialogue with students that we will gain greater insight and identify improvement opportunities.

Strategic Planning

Students have shared their views about the future focus and improvements needed during our Strategic Planning process. Surveys, workshops and forums have provided students with an opportunity to contribute to plans that will provide direction. It was evident through all mediums that the boys value the Vision, Mission and Values of the College, enjoy the relationships with one another and their teachers, and are proud of their school.

The senior student leaders are currently providing their insight into a learning vision that will inspire students, teachers and families to learn to be our best self.


By empowering students, we enhance student engagement and enrich their participation in the classroom, school and community, and develop them into good Christians and honest citizens.