
Careers News: University Tours

Campus Tours are back these Easter school holidays!

Monash University

Students interested in learning about courses and facilities at Monash University can register to participate in a guided campus tour during the April school holidays.

After the tour, students may be able to visit facilities in study areas such as education, engineering, IT, law, and science. Register your interest via

If you’re unable to participate in an on-campus tour, you can do a tour virtually via the Virtual Tours portal or via the Monash Explore portal at this link –

Deakin University

During the school holidays you are invited to experience Deakin University through their Campus Tour program. You will be taken on a 45-minute tour of your chosen campus by a current Deakin student.

You will be able to: Tour the campus of your choice (Melbourne, Geelong Waterfront, Geelong Waurn Ponds, Warrnambool) and ask questions about university life, courses, and on-campus accommodation etc. You will also be able to book into a campus tour based on your study interest.

For information and to register your place, visit

Mr Damian McAuliffe
Pathways Co-ordinator