
Cambodia Cup Flood Relief Appeal

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you may recall, earlier in the term we reported to the college community about the devastating floods that caused over one million dollars (US) damage to one of our Salesian schools in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. They have lost so much; staff and students have lost homes and the school has lost resources, equipment and suffered damage to buildings.

Unfortunately, they were devastated again by flood waters, just as they were making head way in the clean-up. Here are some pictures and video of the devastation being caused.

In order to assist our brothers and sisters in Cambodia, we have organised an event sure to be a fun activity and raise some much needed funds for the school.

On Thursday 19 September Salesian College Chadstone will hold the first ever Cambodia Cup! This is an exciting exhibition match between Salesian’s finest Year 11’s and Year 12’s AFL players. It will be held at lunchtime on the Bosco Oval.

To assist everyone in getting into the spirit we are encouraging staff and students to wear footy colours for a gold coin donation. Please not that it is not a casual clothes day. Full winter uniform is to be worn to and from school. Students can pop their scarves, beanies, or jumper over their uniforms whilst at school.

We will also be selling:

Sausage in bread                           $2

Egg & Bacon roll (with cheese)   $5

Hash Brown                                    $2

Large Milkshakes                           $5

Can of Drink                                   $2

Zooper Dooper                              $1

All profits from the above items will be donated to Cambodia.

Please there will only be CASH sales on the day. The canteen will be open for lunch orders only and general sales, but will not be selling hot food unless pre-ordered.

In addition to The Cambodia Cup Day, we have set up the following for staff and families to make contributions to the cause. If you would like to make a non-obligatory donation, see below for details:

Account Name: Salesian College

BSB: 063003

Account No: 00490547

Description: Cambodia Flood Relief

All donations, regardless of size will be warmly received.

Please email me directly on if you require a tax deductable receipt  for your donation

Please join me in continuing to pray for our Cambodian brothers and sisters, and let’s put as much effort into raising as much as we can on Thursday for our Cambodia Cup to try to make as much of a difference as we can in their lives.

Thank you in advance for your prayers and support.

Mrs Nadia Knight
Assistant Principal – Faith and Mission