
Social Justice at the Swimming Carnival

On Friday 8 March, the whole College community participated in the annual House Swimming Carnival. It was a great day had by all. One of the highlights of the day was the sausage sizzle organised by the Faith and Mission Team. Year 12 students started cooking over one thousand sausages at 10am, to be ready for the onslaught of hungry boys at 12 o’clock! Boys waited in what seemed to be an endless line for their sausages, drinks, chips and of course Zooper Doopers!
A very big thank you to Gesualda Cafasso for her administration behind the scenes, which ensured the collection of items ran very smoothly, to the Faith and Mission Team (Noel McGarry, Chris Seeber and Tristan O’Brien) for making the distribution such a joyous occasion.
As advertised, all profits made from the sausage sizzle will be donated to our Term One fundraising cause, which is Caritas Australia. This year the theme is ‘Give Lent 100%’. More details about Project Compassion will be published closer to the start of Lent.
Although we are still counting money from the event, it would seem that we are on our way to breaking previous years’ records, having raised in excess of $1,500.
Thank you to all student who ordered food and to those who brought the event to fruition. I look forward to updating you on totals shortly.

Mrs Nadia Knight
Assistant Principal Faith and Mission