
Sacramental Liturgy

One of the most significant masses we had this term was the Sacramental Liturgy, which took place in our College Chapel on Thursday 21 September. 22 boys ranging from Year 7 to 12 participated in the program this year. Monsignor Anthony Ireland who is the Episcopal Vicar for the Easter Region of the Archdiocese celebrated the mass, assisted by Father Frank Bertagnolli. Of the 22 boys, 3 boys were Baptised, 13 made their first Reconciliation, 13 received their First Communion and all 22 boys received the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Over 100 guests attended and were witness to this wonderful event. On behalf of the Salesian College Community, I would like to congratulate all these boys for their courage in saying ‘Yes’ to continuing their faith journey.

Mrs Nadia Knight
Assistant Principal – Faith and Mission