
Parents’ Association

Father’s Day Breakfast

On behalf of the Parents’ Association (PA), thank you to everyone who has volunteered to assist at our upcoming Father’s Day Breakfast on Friday 31 August. You will receive a reminder email in the lead up to the event.

We look forward to seeing all our wonderful Dads and their sons there!

Paying the fundraising levy allows the Parents’ Association to welcome all new Year 7 students to our school community with a gift at the beginning of the year.

While the beginning of your son’s journey at Salesian is a special time for your family, we understand that the transition from primary to secondary school can be stressful. Many of our new Year 7s feel anxious about making new friends at the beginning of the year. With this in mind, the Parents’ Association gifts ‘tap balls’ to each of our new Year 7’s in their respective house colours. ‘Tap balls’ can be used by students to initiate a game of ‘four square’ with other students whom they may not know – the perfect ‘ice breaker’ at recess and lunch.

Whether they are in Year 7 or even Year 10, many students are often seen out on the yard at recess and lunch enjoying a game of four square with their friends.

Paying the fundraising levy allows us to purchase these welcome gifts for our new Year 7 students, ensuring they feel valued members of the Salesian family from their very first day.

Tracy Stone
Parents’ Association President