
Changes to Traffic Flow

Dear Parents,

It is with great excitement that the College will commence construction of our new Student Services, Learning Support and Administration Building on 21 May 2018.

Construction of the new building will require a builders’ compound being setup at the front of the school which will unfortunately block the front driveway.

New traffic arrangements will be in place from 21 May to avoid congestion and minimise safety concerns. A traffic map has been provided for your reference. 

From 21st May

No drop off and pick up will be allowed on the College grounds, and no related traffic is to use Bosco and Savio Streets.

Alternative drop off and pick up areas on Hiscock and Jacana Streets are to be used (please refer to map).

Deliveries and visitors are to use Savio Street and limited parking will be available.

The College Charter bus will use an alternate pick up point using the College western driveway.

I understand that this is an inconvenience to the College community, but I ask that you adhere to this plan so that the safety of all members of the Community is preserved and traffic flows efficiently at peak times and no traffic jams occur.

I thank you for your understanding.

Rob Brennan