
Learning Conferences

Each semester, all boys from Years 7 – 12 play the lead role in our Student Led Conferences.  This is an eight-minute meeting involving the student, his parents / guardians and Oratory Leader where boys lead discussions about their goals and their overall progress.

Typically, boys speak for 3-4 minutes.  In Semester One, boys formally set goals whilst, in Semester Two, they review the progress they have made towards achieving these goals. The remainder of the time will be for feedback from parents / guardians about the presentation.  On the same evening, parents / guardians also have the opportunity to meet with subject teachers for conventional Parent / Teacher interviews.

The Student Led Conferences are intended to:

  • Enable boys to take greater responsibility for their learning
  • Help parents / guardians to play an active role in their son’s education
  • Allow boys to show off their achievements
  • Help boys to have a mature conversation about their goals.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Access the Parent Teacher Interview Guide HERE.

View Year 11 student, Joshua Meedin’s Student Led Presentation below: