
Term One Notices

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope the break has been a restful one for you and your family and the Christmas Season was a time of shared joy and peace with those dear to you.

It is our fervent hope this year that we manage to get all boys to strive to achieve their very best in all their classes, no matter what year level they are in. We know that positive study habits learned early in secondary school life are reflected in excellent results as they come to the end of Year 12.

The family’s role in the success of their boys is also critical in supporting the College to work towards achieving the best outcomes for our boys. In 2018 we will continue to focus on improving academic rigour amongst our boys with the ultimate aim of developing independent learners who consistently present work to the best of their ability.

As the school year commences, it would seem timely to bring some matters to your attention.

The correct uniform in Term One consists of the short-sleeved white monogrammed shirt, College shorts, College socks and black leather shoes.  Boys do not have to wear their jackets coming to or from school in Term One.  However, they may not have their College pullover as the outer garment. This means that, in cooler weather, boys must pop on their blazer if they wish to wear their jumper whilst coming to or from school.

Boys are not permitted to wear any jewellery other than a crucifix on a simple metal chain. Boys must be clean-shaven. Extreme hair-styles are not permitted.

Boys wear their sport uniforms to and from school on their designated Sport afternoon. Boys who have a practical P.E. class must come to school in their full school uniform. They then change into their sport uniform prior to the P.E. activity. They may remain in their sport uniform following the P.E. lesson.

Year 12 boys will soon receive their rugby jumpers. Year 12 students can only wear their rugby jumpers on Wednesdays with their College tracksuit.

It is important, too, that boys take responsibility for wearing their uniform neatly and correctly at all times. Excuses such as ‘My uniform in the wash’ or ‘I couldn’t find my proper socks’ will not be accepted. An issue which has been apparent for a number of boys in the first few days concerns socks. Boys must wear the College grey marle socks.

Boys were reminded at Year Level Assemblies on their first school day about expectations concerning uniform and appearance. Depending upon the seriousness of the matter, warnings, cautions and detentions (for repeated misdemeanours) will be issued by staff when they observe uniform/appearance infractions.

Each classes’ Oratory Leader is the first port of call for any issues or information that are required. Year Level Coordinators have responsibility for your son’s academic progress and wellbeing. It is very important that parents and guardians develop a good working relationship with the Oratory Leader and Year Level Coordinator. I am also available should the need arise. We also expect that you contact subject teachers when and if the need arises.

Telephoning the College on 9807 2644 will allow you to contact any of the Coordinators or myself, though email is often the most efficient way of getting hold of staff as they may be working face to face with students during the day.

Year Level Coordinators in 2018

Year 7

Mr Byron Chen

Year 8

Mr Craig Giles

Year 9

Mr Chris Hayes

Year 10

Mr Kim Beurs

Year 11

Mrs Rhea Beurs

Year 12

Ms Romilda Bennett

A reminder that the school day officially starts at 8:45 when the first bell rings. All students are expected to be on campus well before then and ready to start the school day. If students are late to the College they must have a written note or parent/guardian phone call prior to 10.00am explaining their absence. When arriving late to school students must report to Student Reception immediately to sign in.

If you have any questions or issues you would like to discuss please do not hesitate to contact us at the College.

Warm Regards,

Mr Brendan Douglas

Assistant Principal – Students

(03) 9807 2644