
VTAC Parent Information Webinar

Dear Year 12 Parents and Guardians,

A reminder that you are invited to attend the VTAC Parent Information Webinar on Tuesday 3 August from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

During this session I will provide information on the:

  • Tertiary Course options
  • VTAC application process,
  • Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS),
  • Tertiary Scholarships application process
  • Tertiary offer process
  • ATAR calculation and Scaling

The webinar will be conducted via Zoom and you can join the meeting via this link.

Meeting ID: 926 4979 6283
Passcode: 0a2Fda

I look forward to seeing you on the night.

Damian McAuliffe
Pathways Co-ordinator