On Wednesday 29 May the Year 7 students participated in a Mother and Son evening. The aim of the night was for boys to bond with their mothers and reflect on their relationships.
The evening began with the boys switching mothers and answering a series of questions. This was a great exercise to get to know other female mentors.
The next exercise involved the mothers and the boys switching seats. With this exercise the mothers and the boys got to learn about someone that they haven’t spent much time with this year. This was an enjoyable experience because I made a new friend and could talk to him in the schoolyard.
The third exercise was one-on-one time with your mother or mentor where you got ask your mother a series of questions. This was one of my favourite activities as I don’t spend as much time as I would like with my mother and I got to ask her some questions on topics we don’t usually discuss. This was a good time to reflect on our transition from primary school to high school.
The final activity was the most enjoyable activity of all. We reconvened with our female mentors and shared our treasures that were chosen secretly by both parties. This was special because we both expressed our feelings of love and gratitude towards each other.
In conclusion, I found the night to be very interesting and I found out a lot about my mother and our relationship and ways that we can show our appreciation towards each other. Also, I learnt that in order to have a successful transition into Year 7, both mother and son need to communicate openly to one another.
Christos Babatsias