
Sports Awards Night

The Sports Department would like to invite you and your family to the Salesian College sports awards night. This is a celebration of the achievements our boys have made in the ACC sports competition during summer sport 2022 / 2023 and winter sport 2023.

The presentation night is to be held on Thursday 14th of September in the College Hall at 7:00pm.

This event is compulsory for all students who have represented Salesian College in ACC sport this year and the success of this night depends on parental support and attendance by yourself and your son.

We are extremely fortunate to have sports personalities who have accepted our invitation to attend the event from AFL and Soccer. There will be opportunities to ask these stars questions during a question and answer segment.

We will be providing all boys with a free drink & some food to thank them for their involvement in ACC sport this year.

There will also be the opportunity to purchase tickets for a raffle on the night.

Please register your attendance here: