On Friday, August 25th, the VCE-VM cohort embarked on an exciting day at Le Mans Dandenong, showcasing the various job opportunities available on site. The day encompassed various activities such as go karting, laser tag, and mini golf. Group 1 and 2 commenced the day with go kart races and notched up some impressive lap times, while Group 3 and 4 participated in thrilling laser tag missions. Group 5 set out on a fun round of mini golf. The excursion provided the opportunity for students to find out more about the safety measures incorporated into every workplace, even those with exciting features like go karts, and it emphasised the diverse job opportunities within such settings, including the role of kart mechanics who are stationed onsite to address any issues with the go karts. A special thank you goes to Year 12 VCE-VM boys and Mrs. Salemme for organising this incredible day, highlighting the potential career paths and experiences that lie within such dynamic environments.
Stefano F
Year 12