This term in year 7 Italian so far, we have been learning about school life in Italy. We have looked at things, like school supplies, the subjects and overall school life in Italy. School life in Italy is very different to the life we know in Australia. Us, the year 7’s, would like to share some of the differences between the life in Australia, and the very different life in Italy.
One thing that is very different about schools in Italy and schools in Australia, is the school uniform. In Australia, schools traditionally have a shirt, pants, tie and a blazer as their main school uniform. Whereas in Italy, school unforms are traditionally made up of an art-smock like shirt, with a white collar, and a ribbon that usually signalizes the year level that you’re in, worn over casuals.
Another difference in Italy is the school times and their subjects. In Italy, you must study Italian, Latin and another subject. There is also no sport, and little recess time. However, they get to leave school at one o’clock.
Other things we have learnt in Italian, are the different ways we can express ourselves. We have been learning how to talk about what subjects we like, dislike, love or hate in Italian. We have also been learning about the school objects we may have in our bags, and the things we would use at school in our daily lives, if we were in Italy.
Samuel and Matthew | Year 7 Italian Students