
The Lego Tournament Finale!

“During the past seven weeks Salesian has been holding a Lego Competition. On Mondays and Tuesdays, students from all year levels entered the event hoping to win the grand prize, a box of Lego. This year we had eight teams of two in a knockout system, building to a brief for each contest. I partnered with my classmate Evert Eykman and we were fortunate enough to make it to the final. In the final we built a black panther sitting on a branch in a tree, which was judged to be a winner in a close finish.

Black Panther in a Tree | Matthew Rowley and Evert Eykman | Year 7

What I enjoy about the Lego Competition is that we can share our interest in Lego with other people in our school community. I also enjoy building the Lego because after we have finished it we can look back at what we have done and be proud of it. Next term I will enjoy the Lego Club, where we can build for fun and anyone can join in.”

Matthew Rowley | 7B


More clever creators and their designs:

Racing Car with Track (Runner Up) | Patrick Kennedy | Year 7
A Picture Frame | James Topliff and Will Hemsley | Year 11
A Bridge from the Past, Present and Future | Matthew Rowley and Evert Eykman | Year 7
A Burger with Tomato Ketchup | Patrick Kennedy
A Fruit Bowl with Banana, Blueberries and an Apple | Leo Cerrato Dillon and Hamish Brooks | Year 8
A House for Four Mini-Figures | Emilio Bellistri and Liam Moore | Year 7


Thank you to all students who competed throughout the term – and congratulations to the winners!