VCE Theatre Studies
In Unit 3 Theatre Studies, we are mainly focusing on staging a production of The Caretaker. A three-person play about the comedy, tensions and troubles experienced by a man who looks after his late mother’s old house, his brother who owns the house and a van, and a homeless man who has been invited to stay until he can get back onto his feet with the right shoes. We are currently hard at work, rehearsing and blocking the play, making sure that we understand precisely what needs to be done for the play before diving into further detail.
Later in the semester we are also going to watch and complete a written analysis and evaluation of a work at the Malthouse Theatre in Melbourne: The Return. The play concerns the return of the remains of thousands of Indigenous Australians to the Country, after years of grave-robbing, the displaying in museums, and their use in scientific methods.
Lastly, we will eventually apply production roles, which include the designing of sets, costumes, lighting and sound, to an unseen script. This skill of showing how to transfer words on a page into a three-dimensional living performance piece is one that counts for 60% on the end of year VCE Written Examination.
Angus Allan | 2022 Drama Captain
NOTE: Our VCE Class is currently looking to source 2 single bed mattresses to help stage our production of The Caretaker. If you have one you would like to get rid of then please contact me at acroft@salesian.vic.edu.au

In Unit 3 Music performance, we have been training and adapting our musical knowledge to the VCE study design through aural and theory practices. Carrying on with last year’s work, the transition to year 12 has been quite smooth, maintaining concepts and theory we have learnt such as major and minor scales, and key signatures. Ultimately, we are working towards our final performance and final exam which we will take part in October this year.
In our final performance, soloists must achieve a repertoire of around 20-30 minutes of pieces, whereas grouped musicians need to achieve 20 minutes. In preparation for this performance, we have scheduled internal performances every two weeks. This will be performed in front of our music teachers and class mates, allowing us to improve our confidence and performance technique.
On the topic of performance technique, students will always struggle or find flaws in their pieces that burden their performance. In order to improve their technique, new strategies and exercises will be learnt and old habits may be abolished. These exercises or methods help us to overcome our troubles, which we learn by ourselves, or are taught to us.
Alvin Yala | 2022 Music Captain
Prior to the commencement of the 2022 academic year, Year 7 students and parents were welcomed to the Salesian College Performing Arts Department. A collaborative presentation to introduce the Year 7 Music Program was enjoyed by all participants.
The remarkable Year 7 Music Program includes classroom lessons with Ms Adela focusing on the history of musical instruments and musicality, and a weekly instrumental lesson with external tutors who are specialists on their specific instruments. Year 7 students in Oratories D, E and G had the chance to meet and greet their Instrumental Teachers and experiment with their Instruments.
The aim of the Year 7 music program is to familiarise students with instruments and experience the joy of creating music. It was a wonderfully musical way to welcome the boys to Salesian College Chadstone, filling the hallways with the much-loved hullabaloo and excitement of new instruments.
At the conclusion of the semester, all students will be involved in a performance to showcase the ensemble pieces they have learnt throughout the semester. All family members are invited to this event to support their son and their great achievement that is ‘Instrumental Music.’
Our expectations for the students moving forward is to continue to grow musically and become involved in all the magnificent opportunities that the Salesian College Performing Arts Department has to offer.
Andrea Curtis | Assistant – Performing Arts