
Year 7 Design and Technology

The past several weeks have been extremely challenging for my Year 7C & 7B Design and Technology students, as they have had to remotely learn how to build 3D models for the first time. We spent lots of time doing group demonstration, video recording and one-on-one support, to make sure every student aimed high and achieved his best. Every single one of the students spent extra time after school to work on these amazing projects, and they did not try to compromise their design details to make it easier. Therefore, we had many amazing designs coming out, waiting to be laser cut by our amazing technician Johno. The level of details and thoughts are clearly visible from these ambitious designs. The following examples are just a few of the huge amount of good designs we have.

During this long and rewarding journey, students learnt a lot of problem-solving and collaboration skills. They supported each other in break out rooms, shared techniques and tips of model building, and provided quality feedback to each other’s work.

Today, both classes finished their animal slot toy project. We celebrated our achievement by having a ‘free project’ lesson, where students used recycled materials (such as cardboard, twigs, fabrics, balloons and plastic bottle) to design a decorative or functional item. Many students chose to sit outside their houses under the sunshine while building their free projects and chatting with their friends in break out rooms about their lockdown lives, the latest movies and games…We were talking about how we could have ‘a paper plane building competition’ in the near future, where we research about tricks to make our planes stay in the air as long as possible. Who knows what the next fun topic is going be? 😊

Angela Xu 
Design and Technology and Media Teacher

Animal Slot Toy Project
‘Free Project’ Lesson