
Year 8 Father/Mentor & Son Event

This uncertain time we are facing reminds us all of the value of quality time spent together. This year, we are proud to present:

“Time and Space for Stepping Up”
An Event for Year 8 students and their Fathers, Carers or Male Mentors

This event provides an opportunity for Year 8 students to spend quality time with their fathers, carers or male mentors. This innovative program taps into the wisdom and knowledge of the fathers and male mentors in our community, in providing our students with advice on ‘stepping up’ as a good man.

Please note: This event is pending COVID-19 restrictions and may be held virtually.

Date: Thursday 2 September 2021
Location: Salesian Hall
Time: 6:45pm for a 7:00pm start (finish by 9:15pm)
To register, click here.

For more information, click here. 

What parents are saying:

 “It was great to spend time and talk with my sons and others.”

“Nice to meet other parents one on one.”

“Great evening – very positive and a good experience for both parents and boys.”

“It was lovely to share this with other Salesian families. Nice connection in a time when connecting is difficult.”

What students are saying:

“It was good as it allowed us to have a clear conversation that would not normally be held on a regular basis.”

“It was interesting to hear the treasures of both students, parents and teachers.”

“It felt very easy to talk to the other person.”