
Spencer O’Shea’s Experiential Week Reflection

Shark Tank – When I arrived at school I found out that we were doing something different for the day, which made me feel really curious as to what I might be doing. We started off the day with an example of a young kid in real life showing the rise and falls of his doughnut business, to help inspire us as to what we were going to do. My teacher then proceeded to split us into groups and then from there we created our ideas. Once we had a plan for our creations we made a visually appealing PowerPoint or a marketing device to persuade the shark (the teacher) to invest money into our products. Overall this was a fun and engaging project that inspired our minds to think about and work on what we would create for a Shark Tank presentation.

Civics and Citizenship Activity – Knowing from yesterday that we would be doing something different today made me feel even more intrigued. Our teacher split us into groups and told us that we had to create a political speech that would draw voters to vote for us. The speeches that we had to create had to address some of the following issues; homelessness, asylum seekers, vaccinations, aged care and more. Throughout the process we joined a Teams meeting that provided important information about the voting system here in Australia. Once we had created our speech and marketing devices we recorded our speech. Once we had recorded our speech we placed it on Teams, then we watched everyone else’s speeches. Once this was done we went into real life voting booths to vote for which one we thought was the best. To sum up this experience, I would say that this experience will help us in the future for when we can legally vote.

Spencer O’Shea
Year 8 Student