
2021 Becchi Day

On Monday, 17 May 2021 Becchi transition morning was held for the Year 7, 2022 cohort.

After a year of remote transition interactions, it was wonderful to see over 180 excited boys and their parents returning to the College in 2021 to meet their soon to be peers and teachers.
The day commenced with finding out which House each boy had been allocated to, followed by a presentation by each of our Heads of House and respective Year 10 House captains, explaining the House Mascots and where the House names originated from.

Current Year 7A Oratory sang the College song to the grade 6 boys before they were dismissed to commence their activities of sports and workshops.

Parents were treated to several information sessions before coming together to enjoy morning tea.

The morning gave incoming students a true sense of connection and belonging to the Salesian College Chadstone community. Proudly Salesian.

Michelle Collins