2021 Strenna
For those new to our family, the Strenna is a motto or theme released by the Rector Major, Fr Angel Fernamdez Artime SBD (head of the Silesians worldwide) on an annual basis to focus our work for the year. The Strenna for 2021 is: MOVED BY HOPE. For many of us, this is a phrase we have heard often, in learning and living the optimism and hope of Don Bosco, but it is always good to revisit important elements of our charism and apply to our daily work with each other and our boys.
Don Bosco found himself in turbulent times with many young boys without education, skills, jobs or permeant residence. He came across those who did not want him to succeed. He lived and worked through the cholera outbreak, the turbulent times of the industrial revolution. His aim was, regardless of the situation everything he did was done with optimism and hope.
The COVID Pandemic has certainly challenged us as we never have before. We are called to respond with HOPE because God in his Spirit continues to make ‘all things new’.
In the Strenna 2021, the Rector Major emphasizes that, “as a Salesian Family, we must be signs of charity and hope. We need to accompany young people on life’s journey, help the young understand and accept the ‘normality of life’ and letting ourselves be challenged by the many voices of hope from young people in difficult times…”