Dear Parents,
We hope that your son has settled in back at school and is enjoying the company of his friends and the familiarity of his College. We are certainly pleased to have the boys back!
Just a couple of things to note:
Drop Off and Pick Up
We thank you for your cooperation with dropping off and picking up the boys. We ask that you help us to lessen the impact of traffic and inconvenience on our neighbours:
- Please DO NOT park in Bambil Street near St Mary Magdalene’s Primary School, as it is impacting on their parents picking up their children.
- Please be considerate of our neighbours (particularly in Bosco Street at pick up time) and their need to access and exit their properties.
- Where possible, please keep the traffic flowing around the College so as to prevent deadlock.
- Please come to the College as close to dismissal time as possible. (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 3:15pm and Wednesday at 2:30pm)
During School Hours Pick Up
To protect all in the community we ask that you follow the process below if you need to collect your son from the College if he becomes unwell, or if he has an appointment.
- Please park at the front of the College either in a visitor’s car park or parallel to the College on the front drive way.
- Please call the College 9807 2644 to advise that you are parked on the grounds.
- Your son will be brought to you by a member of staff.
Student Free Day
Please note that Friday 12 June is a calendared student free day.
Semester 2
Semester Two commences next week. Please note there may be minor timetable changes.
Kind regards,
Salesian College Chadstone