In the second week of our Remote Reading Challenge, Year 7 student Finn Power challenged himself to write a book review on ‘The Hobbit’, a classic novel written by J.R.R. Tolkein.
Finn shares with us his honest opinion on the book, reviewing the parts that he most enjoyed. Finn also reflects on the learnings he will take from the book, and apply to his own life. Thank you, Finn, for writing such a wonderful review of this book. Read Finn’s review here.
Interested to make up your own mind, and read the Hobbit yourself? Borrow the novel (as well as many more) via our eBooks library, by following this link.
Have you used your time in lockdown to watch your favourite movies again? Why not review one, to earn merits? If you’ve seen the film version of ‘The Hobbit’ and would like to share your thoughts with us, fill out our Movie Review Form and send it through to us via email to