
Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday 

For many of us, the thought of Shrove Tuesday immediately brings to mind thoughts of delicious, fresh pancakes. On the morning of Tuesday 26 February, our House Leaders put their pancake flipping skills to the test, competing to sell the most pancakes to our staff and students at Bosco Campus. The results were as follows:

Collinson House: $416.85

Annecy House: $370.55

Savio House: $343.45

Moroney House: $329.50

Congratulations to Collinson House! All proceeds from our pancake sales are to be donated to Project Compassion; a total of $1,470.35. This money has the power to deliver business skills training to ten people living with a disability, empowering them to become agents of change and positively impact their communities in India. In addition, it may also be used to set up a rice bank for one Indigenous child to attend school for a year, building the foundation for a better future in the Philippines!

This is just the beginning. There will be plenty more opportunities to contribute to our House Cup fundraising campaign. Thank you to the Heads of House and House Leaders for organising this event, and to all those who assisted in the background to make it a successful event.

Please note that the total is more than the sum of the house profits, due to general donations made to Project Compassion.