On 30 and 31 May the entire Year 9 cohort went on an excursion to the city where they visited important landmarks to form a deeper understanding of the CBD. On the first day we toured what is considered to be ‘New Melbourne’, and then the next day we visited landmarks categorized as ‘Old Melbourne’. These two categories of landmarks perfectly juxtaposed what we view as new and old. On the excursion the weather wasn’t great, mostly below 14 degrees and raining. This proved to be a challenge as we walked between landmarks a lot, but it was a good lesson in resilience. Transport was also a big part of the two-day trip. We had to catch the train into the city both times, one with the Year 9 level and one by ourselves to Flinders Street Station. We also caught the train home without supervision using our own skills and sense of direction. This excursion helped us understand the Metro system and how to get home from the CBD. The fact that we needed to be independent meant that everyone learnt how to be responsible for themselves in the city.
On Thursday, the Year 9s met their Oratory teachers at either Holmesglen or Oakleigh Station, depending what Oratory class they were in. 9A, B, C and D went to Oakleigh Station and 9E F, G and H went to Holmesglen. The Year 9s visited the Eureka Skydeck, the MCG and the Shine of Remembrance on the Thursday. The highlight of the day was visiting the MCG Sports Museum. The Year 9 boys were dismissed at 3:30pm and had to make their own way home. On Friday, the Year 9s had to make their own way to Federation Square by 8:45am. The Year 9s visited the Old Melbourne Gaol, the Queen Victoria Markets and Saint Paul’s Cathedral on Friday. The highlight of Friday’s excursion was visiting the Old Melbourne Gaol. The Old Melbourne Gaol taught the Year 9s about the history of Melbourne. The Year 9 boys were dismissed at 3:30pm on Friday and had to make their own way home.
The City Experience excursion helped improve our understanding of how to navigate the CBD. The trip made us use our independence skills and gave us a chance to see Melbourne’s most famous and treasured landmarks in depth.
– Kristian Aparo & Nick Easton
Year 9 Students