During Don Bosco’s Oratory Week, Salesian held five public speaking competitions for year levels 7 through to 11. The competitions involved one representative from each English class, chosen by their teacher, presenting their speech in front of the whole year level. All student speakers demonstrated great courage and were whole heartedly supported by their peers as they passionately spoke about a wide range of topics; from school ties to videogame addiction, to carbon emissions and Facebook data breaches! The skill these students demonstrated is nothing short of remarkable; to speak in front of crowd is daunting for most and to do so in such an engaging and heartfelt manner is commendable. A huge congratulations to all participants and below are our top two from each year level who will go on to compete at the next stage; the schoolwide Mary McKertich Public Speaking Competition!
Year 7: Xavier Caiafa and Aayush Pujur
Year 8: Sean Patrick Go and Peter Holland
Year 9: Lleyton Machaya and Ashley Curry
Year 10: Jay Rossington and Steven Tran
Year 11: Connor Hodinj and Rayyaan Rahem
Principal’s Choice: Niall Heaphy
Ms Samantha Carey
Public Speaking Coordinator