
Top Arts Excursion

During the Top Arts Excursion, we went the Top Arts Exhibition in which artworks from Studio Art and Art VCE students are displayed at NGV. We were able to look at all the works, read about the concept and ideas around the work, and in particular view the folios of those students who had been accepted into Top Arts. From there we watch a presentation in which we learnt even more about how the ideas for the work were conceptualised while also learning how to further improve our folios for Unit 3 and 4.

The most valuable thing I learnt from the Top Arts exhibition was how to present our folios and how to show the progression in our works. When we had a look at the folios of the students that got into Top Arts it was very clear through their folios what their process and progression was like, how the ideas changed through time and most importantly why they changed. This helped me learn how to properly establish my folio while also learning what I could expect in Unit 3 and 4 of Studio Arts.

The most enjoyable part of the excursion was the exhibition itself. It was very enjoyable to look around and see what ideas others had come up with it, especially ones that were similar to the streams I wanted to follow. The exhibition also provided me with ideas of what materials and techniques I might want to work with in future years.

– Alexander Madden