
School Organisation Blog

The following article is based on the information given during the Parent Information Night held on 12 February 2019.


The full school year calendar is available on PAM in the following location. This is a static document that is formatted for printing to assist you with planning.

The most up-to-date calendar is the live PAM calendar, which is available on the Home Page of PAM.

For a more in-depth view, click the 4 arrow button.

Below is the best view that allows you to see all upcoming events on the calendar. This calendar is constantly updated and also features the due dates of all of your son’s assessment tasks. Click on the item for more details.

Below is another view of tasks available. This view may be accessed by going into your son’s profile (click on his photo from the home page in PAM) and then selecting Learning Areas. Please note that this view will only show Active or Past Tasks, not future tasks. The best way to see these is on the Calendar, as above.

Please Note: Not all subjects are shown due to there being no active or past assessment tasks. They will appear when the assessment task is due and will show more details. For future task dates, please see the PAM Calendar.

Your Details in PAM
You can log onto PAM via using either the Parent ID given to you (e.g. 672823) or the email you have registered with on your PAM account. You can change this email by going to the menu  in PAM after logging in and selecting My Settings.

It is important that this email is current as it is used to update you on any activity on this system, including Medical Details, Excursions, Letters and some communication with teachers.

Medical Details (update)
Parents in Years 8-12 should have recently received an email asking them to check, update and validate their son’s medical details in PAM. If you did not receive this email please contact the school.

Notes – Emergency Contacts are used if the parent/guardian(s) are not available. There is no need to put your details in here again. The Emergency Contact could be an aunt, uncle, grandparent etc. You can ignore Dentist and Doctor fields.
We have added fields for Allergy-Hayfever and Travel Sickness. Please update these if they affect your son.


Absences on PAM
As an alternate to calling in you can use PAM to report absences. Note, this function is only available on the day of the absence before 8:30am. You can find it on PAM, on the Menu on the right under Parent Notified Absence.

Mr Rob Mercer
Assistant Principal: School Organisation