Welcome back to Term 3! Our main event this term is the Father’s Day Breakfast which will be held on Friday 31 August.
It’s always a wonderful morning and we can’t wait to see all the boys and their Dads there!
We will put the call out to those parents who have indicated their willingness to assist with this event very soon.
The Fundraising Levy’s ‘ties’ to Pride and Leadership
By paying the fundraising levy you are contributing to the purchase of our Year 12 ties. The ties are designed by the students themselves and presented to all Year 12 students to recognise that they are nearing the end of their journey at Salesian College and are now leaders of the College as the most senior students.

The ties allow our Year 12’s to be easily recognised by our younger students who may require their assistance out on the yard, as well as encourage College pride in our Year 12 students.
At College reunions we often see past students wear their Salesian ties with pride, symbolising their continued belonging to the College community. We hope that our current Year 12’s cherish their ties for years to come.
Mrs Tracy Stone
Parents’ Association President