Did you know Australian households produce 666,000 tonnes of plastic waste every year? Yes, alarming! And it all has to go somewhere!
Welcome to the Year 8 Biretta Environmental Blog!
On a weekly basis we will be informing our community of changes you can adopt easily into your daily life to reduce your negative impact on the environment.
In our modern society we make many convenient choices that we are not conscious of, but take a moment to think about what happens to that plastic bag after you throw it away. It is most likely going to end up in landfill, or worse yet, the ocean, to be consumed by marine life and consequently make them very ill or dead. Luckily though, there is a way we can put an end to this, and it starts with you. So, what can you do? If you’re already bringing reusable bags to the supermarket, you’re on the right track, but if you’re still using plastic produce bags, it’s time to make a change… it’s the least we can do.
Something else to consider:
Did you know that some restaurants allow you to bring in your own takeaway boxes? By doing this, you can reduce the amount of plastic you throw out.
Check out this link to see where you can bring in your own takeaway boxes. These are some local businesses who are seeking to make this change a reality.

A reminder:
Season 2 of ‘The War on Waste’ is back on air this Tuesday at 8.30PM on the ABC – the issue of e-waste will be explored.
FYI: We will have a mobile phone recycling facility during Science Week (August 13 -17), so start collecting those redundant devices and put them to good recycling use.

8B Waste Warriors
Xavier Adams, Tom Pluciennik, Hashim Navas and John Vayenas
Proudly working with Mrs Bielinski