On 26 April, as part of our Oratory and Social Justice studies, the class of 7C made 450 sandwiches to be delivered by the charity ‘Eat Up’ Australia to disadvantaged students at schools all over Melbourne. During this activity, some of us made the sandwiches and some wrapped them in Glad Wrap ready to be sent off. This activity encouraged us to have empathy for others.
– Roey Shresta and Christian Galluccio, 7C
During 2018 Salesian College is aiming to raise awareness for the needs of others in our local community by engaging all years in a Social Justice/community based activity. It is important for the boys to understand and appreciate how lucky they are but also able to comprehend that many people in our community (local, national and global) are doing it tough. This activity is part of a student formation program from Year 7-12 which will be fully implemented in 2019.
Jesus taught us to love one another as he loved us (John 13:34).
Salesian College endeavours to teach all our students this very lesson in the form of action.
All Year 7 students will have the opportunity to participate in the Eat Up Australia Program which teaches students that ‘many young Aussies go to school each day without any lunch’. Hungry students find concentration really difficult, and therefore learning can be compromised, which means that their future is too, which is hardly fair. Our boys will be making 1000s of sandwiches that will be delivered to schools around Melbourne and regional Victoria. Since 2013, Eat Up Australia has made and delivered over 80,000 lunches.
– Mrs Nadia Knight
Assistant Principal – Faith and Mission