We have just added a feature to our PAM portal to allow parents to quickly and easily notify us of any daily absences.
Below is what you will see when accessing PAM via a smart phone (PAM is responsive and works on all devices). The notification can only be done on the day of the absence and before 8:30AM. Of course, you are still free to call Reception as an alternative.
1. Log into PAM and click on the Menu icon.
2. From the menu select Parent Notified Absence (note that the history of absences can be viewed from this page too)
3. Click on Add Absence
4. Fill in the relevant details as below:
5. Finally click Add. This information will automatically flow through to the rolls in our system.
Note: This feature is an example of why it is important to keep your PAM login private and secure. Do not give your log in to your child.
A copy of this information along with more information about using PAM can be found in the following location in PAM:
Rob Mercer
Assistant Principal – School Organisation